“Just And Unjust Alike” . . . 7th Sunday Ordinary Time, Cycle A, 2023

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“Love your enemies” and “turn the other cheek” are some of the most difficult of Jesus’ teachings and I intended here to make the connection with the Beatitudes in the hopes of making the importance of the teaching clearer. Attitude changes are essential if we are to make our way back towards the goodness with which he created us.

The existence of conflict is obvious in the universe, but if we can transform ourselves into “being perfect as our Father is perfect”. The challenge remains of course, but hopefully we can move beyond our own selfish tendencies and begin to bring about God’s Kingdom.

The readings for this weekend are Lv 19:1-2, 17-18, 1 Cor 3:16-23, Mt 5:38-48 and the audio for the homily is HERE.

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